The Summer School Programme is an engaging leadership course for students of Classes 8-12 that will build their leadership skills and encourage them to move from thought to action and from success to significance. This programme is a one-week programme that will start from 3rd June 2025 and end on 7th June 2025.
The programme aims to develop: an understanding of how philosophy, history and experience have shaped and influenced well known leaders. There is a focus on emotional, intellectual and social growth through different modes of learning in a safe and supportive environment, which is also academically challenging. Learning will include critical thinking, inquiry, debate, self-reflection, practical assessment, teamwork, empathy and a profound understanding of a wide range of issues. There will be a greater sense of awareness about ethics and values-based leadership amongst the students with respect to society and business, science and the environment, politics and citizenship.
The programme will be a one-week, residential programme at The Doon School, which is set in 70 acres of beautiful grounds, abounding in glorious fauna and flora.
The Summer School Programme is open to interested boys and girls aged 13-18 years, studying in Classes 8-12.
Safety is our priority. All journeys and activities are fully supervised by our experienced teaching staff. The Doon School is a gated community with 24-hour security, and nobody can leave or enter the School without the permission of the School authorities.
As the course is all-inclusive, students will require pocket money ideally not more than around Rs 3,000 – Rs 5,000
The programme is a blend of Socratic dialogues, experiential learning & motivational lectures.
The Doon School has comfortable boarding houses with modern facilities. Girls will be residing in one house and boys in a separate house. Both houses will be fully staffed by our experienced boarding housemasters. In the respective houses, rooms will be shared. All houses have common rooms with recreational facilities. All sports facilities, such as the swimming pool, futsal courts, tennis courts, basketball courts and squash courts, as well as fields/grounds for cricket, soccer and hockey are within easy walking distance from the boarding houses. There is wi-fi internet access across the entire campus.
Students and/or their parents are requested to inform the School of any medical problems in advance, including allergies that they may have. If students have diabetes, allergies, asthma or any condition that may require specialised care, students are requested always to carry some identification (tag, bracelet or card) indicating the prescriptions required in case of an emergency. Each student will need a fitness certificate from a physician. The School requires this information in advance of the student’s arrival.
Full laundry facilities are available at the School. Details of how the system works will be explained to all students on arrival.
The Doon School can provide for all known dietary requirements, whether religious or medical. Before any group’s arrival we make sure that we receive any special dietary requirements for all students and teachers so that we can provide this information to our catering manager. If in doubt, please contact us directly with specifics of your needs.
The Doon School has a modern and comfortable Central Dining Hall which serves a nutritious and varied menu of Indian, oriental and western cuisine. The menus are designed to meet the needs and palates of vegetarians and non-vegetarians, as well as anyone with special dietary requirements.
The Doon School’s Wellness Centre is a fully staffed and equipped medical centre and hospital with in-patient facilities at the very heart of the campus. It is staffed by a doctor, nurse and support staff, and has its own ambulance. Any serious problems are referred immediately to specialists in the city, as appropriate. The School has a tie up with medical professionals and dental facilities within minutes of the School in Dehradun, should they be required.
Yes, they are allowed, but as the programme is intensive and requires commitment, they will have to be submitted to the Housemaster during the day and will be made available for an hour in the evenings. We would advise students not to carry a fancy phone; please carry a basic communication device. In any emergency, telephones will be made available immediately. The contact details of the Housemasters and the School Doctor will be shared on arrival as well.
Yes, participants are responsible for their machines and must ensure that they are in adherence with the IT Act and policies currently prevailing. Any non-adherence will lead to the school intervening and taking necessary remedial steps.
Yes, but at the owner’s responsibility.
Please do carry a guitar or any other portable musical instrument that you play; it will be very useful and welcome.
Average temperatures range between a low of 30˚C to 38˚C. Normally there is little or no rain. The Doon School campus, being essentially a botanical garden of rare and beautiful trees, is shaded and is always several degrees cooler than the city. Light clothing is recommended, although if there are rain showers, these can make nights a little cooler, so a sweatshirt or light second layer may be needed from time to time. A waterproof coat may come in handy.
Carry a torch, basic medicines that you may use as and when required, mosquito repellent cream, a pair of sports shoes and floaters as well as regular slippers. Hair comb, sunscreen, nail clipper and clothes suitable as per the climate. It is summer in Dehradun, so a hat or cap is also needed. Dehradun is a city in which any necessity that has been forgotten can be purchased on arrival.
All must adhere to propriety and dress modestly.
Girls may wear shorts and skirts that are of a decent length. Sleeveless tops with spaghetti straps/ low necklines are not permitted.
Boys must also dress suitably. Shorts must be of a decent length and T-shirts with loud or offensive slogans are not allowed.
Girls may wear shorts and skirts that are of a decent length. Sleeveless tops with spaghetti straps/ low necklines are not permitted.
Boys must also dress suitably. Shorts must be of a decent length and T-shirts with loud or offensive slogans are not allowed.