The Wellness Centre
The Wellness Centre
The Wellness Centre provides health care for all members of the School community- boys, staff and support staff. The Wellness Centre consists of a 24-bed facility, a dental unit and a physiotherapy centre. There are a dozen cheerful, friendly and dedicated staff members, including a full-time resident Doctor, a trained staff nurse and two qualified nursing assistants who are always available and happy to assist. Facilities for nursing routine ailments, emergencies and accidents are available around the clock. The school ambulance transports boys into town when consultation with a specialist is required. We have many qualified and experienced specialists in Dehradun on our panel of doctors who attend to the boys on ‘priority’ and with minimal delay. The school also has a link with Max Super Specialty Hospital for treating boys on priority. The school doctor has excellent liaison with all these specialist doctors as well as the administrators of the hospitals. At the time of joining, all parents execute an indemnity bond authorizing the School Doctor and the panel of specialists to look after their son in all matters relating to health. However, parents are consulted and their wishes are taken into account in all but the most urgent of medical emergencies.

Resident Medical Officer
Dr. Hrithik Rauthan

Nursing Assistant
Umesh Singh Rana

Nursing Assistant
Govind Singh Adhikari