The Tutor’s Role

Tutoring aims to respond to the individual needs of the pupils within the boarding community and forms a vital part of the school’s pastoral care structure through which it is committed to the highest standards of pupil welfare.

All full-time members of the teaching staff are tutors and are distributed among the seven houses. They receive training and follow a tutor programme which is reviewed and updated annually.

In general, tutors take a friendly and informed interest in the pupils in the boarding houses to which they are assigned, contributing to the life of the boarding house through social and extra-curricular activities, as well as through specific games and toye duties. There are scheduled outings per term with tutors too. These include midterms, night outings, day outings and social service initiatives.

Through the term the Tutors eat their meals with the boys, providing an opportunity for daily contact and communication. There are also calendered tutorial meetings which the boys attend at the tutor’s residence. Each Tutor is responsible for a small group of tutees (8-10) providing them with continuous academic mentoring and pastoral guidance. Tutors act as a sounding board for opinions, as a mediator and confidant, and they interpret and reinforce the standards and values of the school.