School Counsellors
The school has two qualified and experienced counsellors. They offer one-to-one confidential advice and support, as well as work with groups.
They cooperate with Tutors and Housemasters, and all staff members (wherever required), to ensure seamless communication flows whilst respecting the boundaries of professional confidentiality. Our Counsellors liaise closely with other staff and parents, too. Boys are strongly encouraged to seek individual appointments with the school counselors.
The School Counsellors have also designed a comprehensive life skills curriculum beginning from the D Form all the way up to the SC Form. This is conducted through regular life skill classes, workshops and Form-specific training programmes.
Student welfare is monitored by the Deputy Head (Pastoral), the School Doctor and the Counsellors together, and they regularly meet the Headmaster and the Deputy Housemaster to brief them on issues.

Life Skill Educator and Counsellor
Dr Shivangi Saxena

Life Skill Educator and Counsellor
Ms. Preeti Singh Misal