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Doon in the Summer Holidays: Learning Does Not Stop



The school offers a wide range of trips and tours in India and across the globe in many areas of the curriculum and for all boys of all ages each school holiday and this holiday is no exception. A large group of boys visited the USA and went to NASA Summer Space Camp and were allowed to design and launch their own satellite payload in a weather balloon up to a height of 93,000 feet (21 miles) into the atmosphere and make predictions of its flight and real-time GPS tracking. They also were allowed to make hydro rockets, launch them and work on a moon mission with robots. Along with this the visit to shuttle launching sites, shuttle launch experience, space exploration and lunch with an astronaut were some of the highlights at the NASA Summer Space Camp in June 2015.

Dosco Acts As Guide at Princeton

Boys on the NASA trip also combined their visit to Washington D.C. where boys learnt about the space history of the USA at the Smithsonian Aerospace museum and the history of the US at Capitol Hill, Lincoln and King’s Memorial and the White House. Boys had some enjoyable moments at the Universal Studios, Orlando, Empire State building and Times Square.

The boys had a most memorable visit to the University of Princeton where several Old Boys are currently reading Mathematics and Science. Ujjwal Dahuja from Hyderabad House was our guide and gave a detailed insight of the University, its history and why it is considered an Ivy League Institution and one of the best and most sought after in the world.