Archive Management
Every institution needs an official memory as evidence of the past. The archives constitute our cultural heritage and ensure the preservation of the valuable legacy of our institution for generations to come. Its core mission is to provide appropriate and permanent care for records of historical value in order to make them available for use in the years to come. The Archives SUPW teaches boys to house the archive collection. There are various types of written records, printed records, digitalized records, photos and albums. Archival management includes selection, preservation, accessioning, arrangement, description, digitalization of records and making records accessible for administration purposes to boys where appropriate, to masters, alumni, parents, scholars and researchers. Boys prepare exhibitions and displays during School official functions to generate publicity for the School. It gives them the opportunity to showcase this rare and unique collection. By becoming involved in this activity, boys help serve the School by organizing the building blocks of a vital collective memory. The archives serve as an instrument of accountability because, without records, there can be no proof of an important part of the School’s cultural and intellectual heritage.