Quiz Society
Quizzing holds a special attraction for people of all ages and from all walks of life. The quest for knowledge is an ongoing process of searching and learning. This quest is exactly what the Quiz Society endeavours to inculcate and promote among its members.
The Quiz Society comprises about fifteen to twenty members, a quiz secretary and a Master-in-Charge. The Quiz Society conducts fortnightly meetings to discuss the latest GK topics and other relevant information.
Quizzing is an activity which can be conducted on two levels – individual as well group. The Doon School actively encourages both forms. The school quiz team participates in the inter-school quizzing circuit. We compete in major quizzes like the RIMC, Scholar’s Home, Summer Valley, Mayo, Symbiosis at SJA and Limca Book of Records Quizzes. We also host and compete in our very own The Doon School Quiz. The true level of success can be gauged from the performance of the school team in these exciting, challenging and competitive quizzes.
On the individual level, the Quiz Society conducts the S. R. Das GK Prize Test and the Dipankar Sen Individual Science Quiz every year. Besides these, there are GK Trials in May and November every year to choose the Ravindra Dhawal GK Prize.