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Dosco wins gold at Asian Championships 2013

Samarjit Singh won Gold at the U18 pistol shooting competition at the Asian Championships in Tehran on 20th October 2013. Samarjit faced fierce competition from three Chinese competitors and one Iranian competitor but led the competition throughout. The Asian Championships saw seventy countries competing as opposed to forty five for the Youth Asian Games. Samarjit who is in Class 10 and in Kashmir House has remained committed to his life in school throughout his intense period of training and the school offers its heartiest congratulations to him. Samarjit is now the Asia No1 Air Pistol Youth Champion. At 15, Samarjit has already played 4 Nationals and won 8 medals. Overseas success finally came in his 4th international competition. At the Singapore Open in 2011, he came 10th, narrowly missing the top 8 list. In the Junior World Cup at the Czech Republic in 2012, he was ranked 17th. At the Youth Asian Games China 2013, he came 5th. He was the flag bearer for India at the Games.
Samarjit is now preparing for the Youth Olympics and the World Championship, both of which are being held in 2014. Samarjit who is in Class 10 and in Kashmir House has remained committed to his life in school throughout his intense period of training and the school offers its heartiest congratulations to him.