Doscos win the 4th Shriram Bansidah Chess Tournament 2013
The school team won the tournament against strong competition from schools in Delhi, Rajasthan, Kolkata, and Gwalior. There were sixteen teams involved. Many congratulations to the school team. The boys were Captain Sarthak Gupta from Kashmir House, Shauraya Agarwal from Tata House, Parth Khanna from Oberoi House and Anuman Goel in D form from Martyn House. The tournament featured sixteen FIDE international rated players, twenty national players and several others who have played at State level. Captain Sarthak Gupta in his closing speech spoke of the unique experience the three day competition gave non rated players. They have had a chance to play rated players at no participation fee. There are almost no such competitions that enable this to happen. The school is most grateful to the Shriram family for sponsoring the tournament each year.